Women decide when it comes to choosing holidays


One in four wives and girlfriends take sole responsibility for choosing the finer details of a holiday, according to new research conducted by Hotels.com.

25% of women choose the holiday but 25% of men pay for them.

But whilst the ladies are busying themselves with organising the getaway, the men are steeling themselves to foot the bill. Of the 360 UK couples polled, 25% admitted that the holidays are paid for by their partner.

In contrast, the research showed that just 12% of guys in a relationship take the lead when it comes to organising holidays and only seven per cent of women are happy to flash the cash and pay for the break.

The research drilled down further into the holidaying habits of couples, showing that even if women don’t take full responsibility for the trip, almost half (43%) make sure they have the final say on the accommodation selected.  It would also seem that holiday chivalry is alive and kicking as 46% of men pick up all the bills whilst away, despite the choice of restaurants and bars frequently being a joint affair.

For married couples, the seeds of holiday decision-making power are sewn early. Nine per cent of brides-to-be admit they plan their perfect honeymoon alone. Over a third of women (35%) also confess they wouldn’t trust their partner to book their dream holiday, whilst 76% of gentlemen polled admit they would put total trust in their partner’s decisions regarding a dream getaway.

Women’s reluctance to let men in on the holiday decision making process clearly stems from bitter experience as 69% of women who are no longer married or in a relationship are adamant they wouldn’t trust a future partner to book a holiday. One in ten women also confessed that on occasion when they had put their trust in their partner it resulted in an argument.

Alison Couper, Director of Communications at Hotels.com, said:

“For many couples, deciding where to go on holiday can be one of the most important and contentious decisions in their relationship. It is key to understand what each partner wants to get out of time away and look for a holiday that can meet all these needs. Hotels.com has more than 110,000 different properties and an extensive library of 1.8 million reviews on the site which can help guide both men and women on making the right holiday decisions for both of them.”

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Source : https://www.thetravelmagazine.net/women-decide-when-choosing-holidays/

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